Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Well traveled

I don't like to brag, but...

Monday, January 27, 2020

Drippin' with electrolytes

I was explaining the tradition of dumping Gatorade on a coach's head after a big win to my son and found this delightful video. Enjoy!

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Super Bowl LIV Party Game

Super Bowl LIV is one week away and you know what that means. Time for some crazy prop bets! As a special bonus, this year I made a printout that you can print outGive everyone a copy at the beginning of your Super Bowl party and have a contest to see who gets the most right!


How Long Will It Take Demi Lovato to Sing the National Anthem?
(From moment she sings first word until she completes saying "brave" for the first time.)
Over 2 Minutes -220
Under 2 Minutes +155

Will Demi Lovato’s Hair Color Be Completely Black?
Yes -190
No +145


Which Commercial Will Appear First? - Audi or Porsche
Audi -125
Porsche -115

Which Commercial Will Appear First? - Coca-Cola or SodaStream (PepsiCo)
Coca-Cola EVEN
SodaStream (PepsiCo) -140

Which Commercial Will Appear First? - Mountain Dew or Toyota
Mountain Dew -120
Toyota -120

Which Commercial Will Appear First? - Pop-Tarts or Doritos
Pop-Tarts +110
Doritos -150


What Will Happen First in the Game?
Sack -120
Touchdown -120

Will a Kicker Hit the Goalpost on a Missed Field Goal or Extra Point Attempt?
Yes +350
No -600

Will Either Team Attempt a 2-PT Conversion?
Yes -135
No -105

Will a Fan Run Onto the Field During the Game?
Yes +700
No -1600


How Many Wardrobe Changes for Jennifer Lopez?
0 To 2 Times +110
More Than 2 Times -150

How Many Times Will Alex Rodriguez Be Shown During the Halftime Show?
(Live pictures only.)
0 Times -330
1 Or More +215

Will DJ Khaled Make an Appearance During the Halftime Show?
Yes +170
No -250

Will Shakira and Jennifer Lopez Twerk During the Halftime Show?
(Both Must Twerk for Yes to be graded the winner. Twerk is defined as a dance move involving thrusting hip movements and a low, squatting stance.)
Yes +190
No -290


What Color Will the Liquid Be That Is Poured on the Game Winning Coach?
Lime/Green/Yellow +320
Orange +450
Red +145
Clear/Water +335
Blue +450
Purple +1400

Who Will the Super Bowl MVP Mention First in His Speech?
Teammates +150
God +210
City +800
Coach +450
Owner +1400
Family Or Family Members +550
Does Not Mention Any Of The Above +500

All wagers are actual bets being offered by Bovada online casino as of 01/26/2020.

Thursday, January 16, 2020


Irishman Shay Bradley made a recording of himself and requested that it be played at his funeral.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

I gave it a shot

Monday, January 06, 2020

What happened to Hermey?!

The character Hermey from the holiday classic Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer has apparently gone through some shit.

I saw him in an ad outside my local grocery store and I have to say he ain't looking too good. I don't know if he inhaled too much gas in dental school or if one of those reindeers kicked him in the head, but I think it's safe to say that old Hermey is no longer the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree.

Thursday, January 02, 2020

Apparently, breathing is good for you

The 2019 holiday season is over. On a totally unrelated note, I just learned a new way to reduces stress and calm your body's "fight or flight" reaction caused by intense anxiety.

It's a Navy SEAL technique for reducing stress and staying calm called "box breathing." Box breathing has a ton of benefits, including:

+ Positively affecting emotions and mental well-being.
+ Increasing mental clarity, energy, and focus.
+ Zoning out your crazy aunt who loudly complains that all children are lazy and ungrateful while sitting on her ass doing jack shit.

Here's a diagram explaining the process. Start at the top and don't stop until you pass out!*

*That last part is a joke don't sue me.