In order to save everyone from the same cruel and ridiculous fate, I have compiled a definitive list of these trivia questions and their answers. Enjoy.
Q: How long is the longest hair ever recorded?
A: 18 feet, 5.5 inches.
Q: How long is the longest kiss ever recorded?
A: 31 hours, 30 minutes.
Q: What is the largest cut diamond in the world?
A: The star of Africa - 530 carats.
Q: How long can it take an oyster to make a pearl?
A: 6 years.
Q: What percent of US women are born blonde?
A: 16%.
Q: On average, what does a blond have more than a brunette?
A: Hair on her head.
Q: On average, how many bubbles are in a bottle of champagne?
A: 58 million.
Q: What do 15% of women do on Valentine’s Day?
A: Send themselves flowers.
Q: What percent of men buy flowers on Valentine’s Day?
A: 73%.
Q: On average, how many couples get married in Las Vegas each day?
A: Over 300.
Q: On average, who do you talk to more than anyone else?
A: Yourself.
Q: In England in the 1880’s what was considered a dirty word?
A: Pants.
Q: What percent of women wear the wrong bra size?
A: More than 60%.
Q: What do almost half of women admit to doing to their significant other?
A: Throwing a shoe at him.
Q: What is the most popular sport played in nudist colonies?
A: Volleyball.
Q: What gem is thought to improve your love life?
A: Diamonds.
Q: How much are the world’s most expensive shoes worth?
A: Over 2 million dollars.
Q: How long does the average dream last?
A: 3 seconds.
Q: 33% of women have lied about what?
A: Their weight.
Q: How long do the majority of brides plan their wedding?
A: 7 to 12 months.
Q: What is the average number of bridesmaids at a wedding?
A: 4 bridesmaids.
Q: Two of five people end up marrying whom?
A: Their first love.
Q: Where do 27% of women hide a winning lottery ticket?
A: In their bra.
Q: On average, how much of your life is spent kissing?
A: Two weeks.
Q: On average, how many times does a woman touch another person per day?
A: 12 touches.
Q: What helps servers get a larger tip?
A: Touching a hand or shoulder.
The last time I counted the bubbles in a bottle of champagne I came up with about 40 million. The Herbal Essences statistic is way off. Amateurs.
This morning I noticed a bottle of Herbal Essences shampoo in my guest bathroom and looked on the back for the quiz. I laughed to myself, thinking that my exhaustive research would finally pay off and that I would surely ace the test.
Apparently, however, the hours I spent compiling the collection of questions and answers was in vain because this bottle had a question that I had not seen. Why?! Why, God, why?!
I will update the blog post with the new quiz's and answers as soon as I find them.
Am I a guest? That's my bathroom. Do we need to talk about this?
I know, it sounded weird. I was thinking of saying "my wife's bathroom" but I thought that would be a weird thing to say as well.
I kind of like saying "guest bathroom" because it makes it sound like we live in a mansion. "I was wandering the grounds this morning and I stumbled into one of our guest bathrooms to discover a new shampoo product that I didn't even know I owned. I simply must tell Geeves to consult me before making grocery purchases."
Isn't it weird that we are sitting right next to each other on the couch and communicating in a public forum? We should do a reality TV show!
Oh yeah, the question is "On average, how much of your life is spent kissing?"
Even more ominous is the "conditioner answer" on the bottle. It simply states: "In their bra."
I really don't know what to say to any of this.
My old stylist told me that shampoo wasn't really good for my hair. Or anyone's. Plus, you non using conditioner manly man. You should use it a couple times a month. It replenishes that beautiful shine that makes the ladys (or men) smile:}
Also I have taken the liking to my new barber. The haircut is only $10 and the shop is old school with old war photos, metal roosters, and old Playboys in the rack. An empty bomb shell for a standing ashtray out side. Oh ya, and a miny fridg for tall cans, drinking promoted. You can also get straight razor shaves with a hot towel. I highly recommend finding a barber and getting rid of wherever you get your hairs cut now! You will never go back.
"That shampoo" meaning Head and Shoulders. Just to clarify.
Straight razor shaves and tall cans? That is fantastic.
hahaha! the whole thing, comments included, made me laugh out loud. and it definitely saved me from the same fate. i was headed to a grocery store to loiter in the aisle, pen and paper ready, to get these stupid answers (im a non-conditioning female) and then i made a better decision- google. so thank you for thinking ahead! :)
omg i was gonna go to the store and look for the answers but google is soo much betterrr haha lmaooo:)
You missed out another question! oh no! But thanks anyway... it was actually eating away at me.
I did not understand the "the answer is on the other bottle" concept, so I kept wondering why the answer to "Who do you talk to more than anyone else" was "Pants".
there is one on the back of my shampoo which reads "what do women light light and frequent where men like more strenuous?!"
It's killing me.
I looked it up and the answer is: "a kiss."
Yeah it's a lot more entertaining thinking the answers respond to the question on their bottle.
Q: What helps servers get a larger tip?
A: 12 Touches
bahaha I agree.
Q: Two out of five people end up marrying whom?
A: 4 bridesmaids
You rock--this was driving me crazy, just not crazy enough to go buy the conditioner.
Just goes to show what a font of useless knowledge the internet truly is. Thanks for doing your part. :)
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