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Thursday, January 22, 2009
The "Cruzin Cooler"
Check this out. For $399 you can get a cooler/electric scooter hybrid that goes up to 13 miles per hour. The best part is the "drink lid access" which allows you to reach in and grab a beer while driving the scooter. Brilliant! I know that I would look like a complete idiot riding on the thing, but I still want one.
Just to clarify, you wouldn't look like an idiot because you were riding that awesome invention. You'd look like an idiot because I'd be next to you riding one of my own and curiously wearing the exact same outfit as you.
Awesome! I am assuming that you are referring to the standard uniform of biker shorts and tuxedo t-shirts.
Is there room for me on the handle bars? I'd be the coolest girl in school riding around town with you two and those contraptions.
Ya, by idiot, did you mean bad ass? I'm bringing one with me to my new janitorial position in Peru.
"Mop mop mop all day long. Mop mop mop while I sing this song. Gonna wax that floor gonna make it shine. Gonna take off the spray paint with turpentine."
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