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Thursday, February 25, 2010
And I thought the In-N-Out trailers were cool
Subway now has a sandwich shop atop a crane that will rise alongside the Freedom Tower during construction (the Freedom Tower is the building being put up to replace the World Trade Center in NYC). The Subway will be fully operational and serving construction workers throughout the building process and its final stop will be at the 105th floor. It is equipped with a bathroom and everything. What a crazy place to work!
When I am putting in a long day of working on the Freedom Tower, I settle for nothing less than a Hero Sandwich. Perfect.
i'm getting dizzy just looking at that pic & imagining eating & using the restroom so high above the ground...
Yes, the subway truck is terrifying and rad. I'm posting, though, to ask about your shampoo trivia post from August 2009. Have you seen the new comments? Evidently you have impressed several anonymous people!
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