I thought it was interesting so I searched the internet for photos of the aprons and pieced together a collage.
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Tuesday, November 14, 2006
The Apron Chronicles
A traveling exhibit called "The Apron Chronicles" is making its way around the US. The Women’s Museum in Dallas is managing the exhibition which is comprised of photographs, text in story form and 200 vintage aprons.
I thought it was interesting so I searched the internet for photos of the aprons and pieced together a collage.
I thought it was interesting so I searched the internet for photos of the aprons and pieced together a collage.
Did you purposely create the collage to appear as if the aprons are hanging on a clothes line? Cool image and exhibition concept.
Unfortunately I did not come up with the clothes line idea (some of them were already like that). I did work for about an hour to piece the collage together and paint the background white (while constantly looking over my shoulder to make sure my boss wasn't watching). All in a good day's work!
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